Wisdom returns to avenge the death of Hedogross. There are also ninjas.

Episode Summary
Ryusei and Mai’s nature photoshoot is interrupted by a group of Neros ninjas lead by Galador of the Armored Army. Hey, remember that show Galador? Ryusei turns into Metalder and Mai disappears for the rest of the episode.

Metalder fights the ninjas but a Neros slave woman appears and warns him that the ninjas are trying to find his secret base, the Silver Caucus.

The Real Plan
Galador returns to the Ghost Bank, angry at the loss of the ninjas and the interference of the slave woman. Neros tells him to chill out and that the woman was the real plan to find the Silver Caucus. For you see, this slave woman…is Wisdom! And she’s hungry to avenge the death of her late lover, Hedogross.

Metalder reverts to Ryusei and takes Wisdom to a cave. There, she reveals her monster form and tries to attack Ryusei but has to make a hasty retreat for some reason.

Wisom’s Secret
Later in the Silver Caucus, Ryusei burns a DVD of his memories of Wisdom’s attack in the cave and watches it with Springer. They use computer sensors to analyze the footage and learn that Wisdom has two hearts; she’s not a Time Lord, so that must mean she’s pregnant with Hedogross’ child!

Metalder heads out and Wisdom shows up to try and fight him again, but he tells her she’s pregnant and that she should go home. More ninjas arrive and Metalder defeats them all, then starts fighting Galador…and the episode just ends!

I like that this episode follows up on the events of the Hedogross episode; it’s good to see Metalder dealing with the consequences of his fights. I thought Wisdom changing her mind about destroying Metalder happened too quickly, but it’s understandable. Getting revenge won’t bring Hedogross back, so the best she can do is ensure the birth of his son.
The episode’s greatest offense is that it ends mid-battle and it’s not continued in the next episode. Oh well, guess it wasn’t an important fight!
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