I would like, if I may, to take you on a strange journey. A long overdue journey to last year’s Dallas Comic Con.
You can look like a genetically engineered, hateful, brutal, destructive alien AND keep your head warm at the same time.
These gorgeous Necronomicons are better suited for a horror convention, but still a welcome sight.
Reptar, Reptar, gotta find that Reptar.
I didn’t go through a lot of comics this time; the only boxes full of cheap stuff were on the floor. How degrading.
Above them was an assortment of NES cartridges. “These are the video games I played when I was your age,” said a passerby to his son.
My friend and I went through a bin of these weird, old-ass buttons. Emphasis on the “weird,” emphasis on the “old-ass” – one of them pricked me and I spent the rest of the night worried I’d get tetanus.
These busts were so, so cool, but way out of my price range, I’m sure.
Impressive! Anyone want Human Centipede Barbie?
Every year I see more and more Funko Pops. When will it stop? When will the bubble burst?
Hello lineup of 12 inch figures/dolls, we meet again.
A couple of these Anakins look like William Shatner.
What are you smiling at?
I’d consider getting the Rev Bem if he was $5-10 cheaper.
What is this? Why are you selling a pile of junk? Oh, they’re parts for a “Make Your Own” lightsaber.
Last time it was pins, this time it’s patches.
I thought these were customs, but it looks like they’re mass-produced somewhere because they’re abundant eBay and Etsy. Doesn’t take away from their coolness, though!
Maybe next time.
It me.
The Haul
Mainly Star Trek figures and some of those weird buttons. Zero comics
Mutated Tom Paris with salamander babies, based on the much derided but Emmy Award-winning (for makeup) episode of Star Trek, Threshold. In the ’90s, I’d sometimes find this guy while digging through the 3 for $10 bin in KB Toys. I’d hold him up, stare him right in the eyes, then throw him back in. But as the years went on, I’d had a change of heart; this figure sucks so much that I just had to have it.
Ace Duck! Playmates’ Ninja Turtles figures were good, but their non-turtle toys were even better.
And Morn – who can resist that sweet face?
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