Imagine, with your mind’s eye, a place that appears once a month filled with toys, comic books, and videos (like a mini-comic con); this is the North Dallas Toy Show and it has some sights to show you:
Many tables looked like this.
I bet there’s a LOT of gold on that Blockbuster tape.
You’d probably make the same expression if you were there, looking at all this wonderful stuff.
Not sure what this Darth Vader thing was (a bank?) but it disappeared pretty quickly.
I was SO tempted by this Runabout, but someone snatched it up as soon as I left the table. It wasn’t meant to be.
Homer Simpson cosplay (?) figures from Mexico. I really love the look of Lion-O Homer. Homer-O?
Whoa, look at this Ronald McDonald doll all the way from 1984!
Or maybe this clown tickles your funny bone.
I wonder how many Dallas toys were made. Wouldn’t be surprised if J.R. was the only one. Update: This is a decanter with a music box that plays the Dallas theme.
Sorry, Marky Mark, but your disco moves don’t impress me in the least.
’80s toy bags!
I know quite a few people who’d be interested in these E.T. glasses.
Cars seemed to be a big deal here.
A large-scale bootleg He-Man.
Chuck Norris Karate Kommandos, based on the cartoon that lasted all of 5 episodes!
Not a lot of Transformers at this show – most were on this one table.
There’s something really inviting about used figures in ziplock bags.
This organizer doesn’t look like it can hold a lot of stuff. And only 8 sound effects? Pass.
It goes without saying that there were Funko Pops here, but this was the first time I found loose Pops in a bin. Significant? Probably not.
A charming Rancor.
Thanos and horror, side by side.
Let’s roll.
How luck the residents of North Dallas and nearby communities! —The Dark Vader object could possibly have served as a bookend. But where was the pair? —The Star Trek Talking Desk Organizer would have been desirable if it had the voice of Majel Barrett.
I THOUGHT the organizer had Majel Barrett’s voice, but turns out it doesn’t. It just has Generic Man™ saying things like “Torpedoes away” and “Channel open” with a mixture of TOS and TNG sound effects.