All right! Time for me to get back to writing about estate sales, and for you to get back to reading about them.
Like some of the previous ones I’ve gone to, there were plenty of holiday decorations.
This Mrs. Claus scored a 71% on the Weirdness Scale, so I was almost tempted to buy her (and she reminded me of Neranti from Farscape).
The Fancy Stuff
A lot of fancy, expensive things here, like these.
And this.
And that.
What? $5000?!
I wonder what’s in the kitchen.
Some more fancy stuff here.
Nothing particularly remarkable here.
John Lennon Halloween costume.
Books and Movies
The person that lived here was interested in cooking.
They also had quite a few self-help books, Eat, Pray, Love, and a well-worn thesaurus.
They were into country music.
And had Chicken Run on VHS.
This person also liked Budweiser.
Really, really liked Budweiser.
I wonder if they painted some (or all) of these.
I left empty-handed, though I did consider getting a couple trophies to give people for Christmas.
Then I realized no one would want them and I’d just be wasting my money.
Steve Maddux says
So much stuff! —I am most drawn to the neon Budweiser sign.