I love Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home. A lot of people love it also, since it was one of Trek‘s best-received films. But if everyone loves it, why didn’t it get any action figures? Star Trek III got some, so why not IV? We need these toys yesterday:
Accessories: Tricorder, phaser, communicator, tribble, dilithium crystals, drinking glass, Saurian brandy
Caitian Admiral
Accessories: Ball of yarn, phaser, ancient Earth artwork, communicator, cat toy, lizard, spider, tricorder
Antique Store Owner
Accessories: Old book, cigar, broken glasses, cologne, cheese, wine glass, clock, cash
Punk on Bus
Accessories: Spare hand, can of hairspray, cassette tape x 2, boombox
Bob Briggs
Accessories: Fish, mug, coffee pot, stack of papers, ice cream cone, file folder, pen
Dr. Nichols and Madelaine 2-Pack
Accessories: None
Stoopid Bob with his stoopid limited compassion limited by his estimated level of someone’s intelligence.
I thought it was weird they bothered giving him a last name.
I’d give good money for a set like this. I admire the fact that you did not include a figure for Gillian Taylor / Catherine Hicks, although, personally, I would have welcomed it.
I thought about including her but I wanted to focus on the minor characters instead. If I make a wave 2, she’ll be in there!
Please do Death Wish 3 action figures.