All right, back at it with another batch of trading card packs.
Ready? Steady? Go!

Dragon Ball Z
It’s a pretty hefty pack with 10 cards, one of which is a bonus prism card. Super Saiyan Goku, Trunks, and Vegeta are on the wrapper, so I’m guessing these are Androids and Cell Saga-era trading cards.

There’s a good variety of action shots, reaction shots, and character poses. Piccolo is one of my favorite characters, so I’m glad he’s well-represented. My only complaint is that the backs of the vertical cards are upside down!
Here are a few of the card backs, which have odd image choices.

There’s a little fold-out catalog that came in the pack, promoting a card binder.

Fantastic Four
I really liked the last pack I opened; there’s something about laminated cards that feels extra special. I had another one lying around, so I ripped it open.

The special Holo-Cel is Susan Storm again, like last time, but with different artwork. The character cards of Susan and Dr. Doom are great, and the “Gentle Ben” card has a nice picture of Ben in a “The Thinker” pose. The other cards don’t really do anything for me. Though I do like how one is “Not Amused” and I could just pull it out the next time I’m not amused.
Alien Nation
I have a friend who likes Alien Nation: The Movie, which I watched and thought it was just okay. Not bad.
I have another friend who likes Alien Nation: The Series and told me to watch it, but unfortunately I still haven’t seen it. The premise lends itself to an episodic series, though, and I’m sure I’ll like it. Anyway, these cards are for Alien Nation: The Series, and maybe they will expand my knowledge of this show and motivate me to finally check it out.

First of all, these cards were in a wrapper that was hard to open. It’s thicker plastic, and while perforations on one side made it look tearable, it totally wasn’t. I had to use scissors.
These are by the company (Topps) that did those cardboardy cards in the ’80s, like ALF and The A-Team. Ehh, I’m not too impressed with these. Not enough close-ups. The alien autopsy one is…interesting, I guess. My favorite is the one with the computers in the background but only because old computers are cool. Some of the card backs are puzzle pieces that form a cast photo once you collect them all.

Superman: The Animated Series
Superman: The Animated Series. What more could I say about it besides the name? We all know it. We all love it. It’s great. These are “collectible stickers” and not trading cards; they’re also small and closer to the size of a business card. They were 49 cents a pack when they were released in the ’90s, and probably placed near the checkout at supermarkets as like an impulse buy item.

I’m surprised two of them have Jor-El, considering he was only in the show for one or two episodes. More surprising? The fact that it appears to be original art and not frames from the show, like I thought they would be.
They’re neat, but I don’t really feel the need to stick them anywhere, and the bright blue border on all of them is a bit off-putting.
Space Warrior Baldios
This last pack is for Space Warrior Baldios, and it’s by the same company that released the Vifam cards I opened last time. It’s also in a stapled, paper packaging, which is good. Super easy to open (looking at you, Alien Nation cards…) and zero plastic waste. Baldios is an ’80s sci-fi/mech anime that involves a war between the planet S-1 and Earth. I haven’t seen the series yet, but I did recently watch the compilation film and I enjoyed it.

Yeah, this is definitely by the same company that did the Vifam cards because there’s only three in here. They’re stickers though and not cards with a weird rock-paper-scissors thing on the back. Space ship side view, an anti aircraft gunner, and a mech or ship colliding with another ship – very boring, unfortunately.
I think this Fantastic Four card best expresses my feelings for these Baldios cards:

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